It’s been a couple of weeks since I posted, so just thought I’d let everyone know what I’m up to.
I’ve finally gotten back on the writing roll, pushing 45,000 words on my current writing project – a second novel. It’s a sci-fi novel, a bit cyber-punk maybe, with a lot of action. The basic premise? Three cultures colliding in one future city, and the human body itself the first front in an inevitable war. Overall, quite different from my first story. Have I titled it yet? No, but as soon as I come up with a title I’ll announce it here.
I’m seriously considering trying to publish the second novel officially, and from what I read online, publishing it on my website will make that process more difficult. If you want to read some of it, email me and I’ll send you enough to whet your interest.
My Earth:2025 rewrite is still in progress. I’ve made some minor changes in the code and am still working with a buddy to get a server up for an alpha run of the game. The first time through will be pretty vanilla, but some major gameplay changes definitely possible – as well as extensive community modding, which I think would be a first for this type of game.
Look out for more stories to come in my writing section, and one closet [comedic] drama which might be posted as well.